Thursday, June 22, 2017

Friday, June 9, 2017

Jun 9

June 9, 1869: "Our first pure mountain day, warm, calm, cloudless, — how immeasurable it seems, how serenely wild! ... Along the river, over the hills, in the ground, in the sky, spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm, new life, new beauty, unfolding, unrolling in glorious exuberant extravagance, — new birds in their nests, new winged creatures in the air, and new leaves, new flowers, spreading, shining, rejoicing everywhere." // Joyful words from John Muir, jotted down 148 years ago and later published in "My First Summer in the Sierra." At this point, Muir was just a few days into his trip, and taking in the spring scenery from his camp on the North Fork of the Merced, near Pilot Ridge.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Jun 3

My mother left us 20 years ago today. I suppose that her memory is magnified as the years go by, but she was my mom, and I love her. All her children do. This was her favorite picture of us.